Ticking Clocks and Other Mysteries

I am copy-writing the title to this blog. No stealing (I'm looking at you Coldplay... with your grandiose, pretentious, hipster album titles).

So, I am - as of a few weeks ago - the director of worship and music at a fairly large area church. I know what you're thinking... "did you really need to get your degrees to do that?!"... well, to everyone who is wondering about that... good question. I don't have an answer. Nonetheless, I am really enjoying the position so far. The church is incredibly friendly, and not in the cheesy, over-bearing kind of way. And, so far, I've really enjoyed working with the staff.

But, I digress. All of that is merely background to the focus of this blog. And that focus is: The Best of the Worst Hymn Titles (or lyrics). Here's the dilly-ilio: if you have a hymn title that you think is particularly awful, submit it in the comments section. Then, provided I get more than one response... we will vote on the Best of the Worst Hymn Titles.

To get started, here is my own submission. Flipping through the grey, CRC, psalter hymnal I came across one hymn that I am putting in the running for this contest. That song is titled, "These Are the Facts As We Have Received Them." This is a title that - I like to imagine - most pastors in the CRC would find stirring, provocative and counter-cultural.

Lydia suggested, "God the All-Terrible" from the blue, OPC, Trinity Hymnal. This one sounds a little bit like "Hagar the Horrible" to me.

Alright, the clock is ticking.

tick. tick. tick.

tick. tick.


1 comment:

Laurel said...

congratulations on the job! so glad to hear you're enjoying it, too.